Azalia Affiliate Rules


The online shop “Azalia” (website is the property and under control of the company “UAB Valeksia“.
The Seller is UAB “Valeksia”, legal entity code: 302644687, legal address: Švitrigailos str. 7, Vilnius, LT-03110, Republic of Lithuania, e-mail:, website (hereinafter – “We”),
The Affiliate – an individual or legal person who buys,advertise goods offered in the Azalia online shop, earn comissions (hereinafter “You”).
These rules (hereinafter “Rules”) are a legal document that determines the rights, duties and responsibilities of the Affiliate and the Seller in the Azalia online shop.
The personal data controller of the website visitors and the website data processor is UAB Valeksia, company code: 302644687, legal address: Švitrigailos st. 7, Vilnius, LT-03110, Republic of Lithuania, e-mail mail:,
The terms used in the rules are understood as they are defined in the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) no. 2016/679.
During registration, purchases, sales and other actions on the Azalia website, you must comply with the Rules and Conditions of this agreement. By using the website  Azalia , you agree to the Rules and Conditions of the website and undertake to comply with them. This agreement is concluded in accordance with the laws and legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania.
The Affiliate has the full responsibility to comply with any tax laws in their country of residence for the money they earn from us.
Online shop Azalia has the right to change these Rules at any time. All changes take effect from the moment they are published on the website Azalia ( In all cases, it is considered that the Affiliate, browsing the website Azalia ( and checking the box, indicating that the Affiliate agree to the rules when purchasing the goods, confirms that he has read and understood the Site Rules and Conditions described in this agreements.

Rule Nr.1:affiliate registration requirements:

The partner has the right to:
1.1  The Affiliate can advertise our perfumes and receive commissions if you are 18 years old.
1.2 Means of communication – e-mail.
1.3 Provide us accurate information about who you are, where you want advertise our perfume.
1.4 Reasons why the application might be rejected: not correct personal information, spam letters, illegal activity.
1.5 We can retain our right to reject any application if we don’t consider it a good fit for us, whatever the reason.

Rule Nr.2:affiliate commission rates and how they will be paid:

2.1 Commission rate – 20% (excl. VAT and shipping cost) 2.2 Cookies duration-30 days.
2.3 Refund Grace Period (number of days for refund before paying commisions) –14 days.
2.4 Payment method – direct bank account transfer.
2.5 Payment currency- Euro.
2.6 Minimum payouts- 50 euro.
2.7 You can use your own affiliate link to purchase our products.
2.8 Affiliate commissions can be used as a shop virtual credit, which the affiliate can use for purchases in Azalia shop.

Rule Nr.3:permitted and restricted promotional methods:

Promotional methods that are NOT permitted:
3.1 Spam
3.2 Brand misrepresentation.
3.3 Paid advertising for the affiliate link.
3.4 To use coupon websites.
Any affiliate engaging in such practices will have their account terminated and commissions withheld.
Permitted to use:
3.5 Affiliate own sites.
3.6 Affiliate own social pages Facebook, Instagram,Pinterest, etc.
We also encourage our affiliates to contact us in advance when they’re not sure about a specific promotional practice.

Rule Nr.4:affiliate account termination

4.1 Any violation of our Terms and Conditions will lead to terminating the affiliate’s account immediately.
4.2 Other situations that can lead to terminating an partner account: discontinuing or restructuring the affiliate program, inactive affiliates or affiliates that are no longer a good fit for your products (or business).
4.3 The partner also have the right to terminate the partnership at any time and for any reason.

Rule Nr.5:conclusion

5.1 The aspiring partner has to agree with our Terms and Conditions and comply with our requirements if they want to be a part of our partner program.
5.2 By joining our program, they do not become our employees, nor they receive any authority to act on our behalf.
5.3 We reserve the right to bring any modification we might consider necessary to the agreement and we commit to notifying them once this happens.